Students learn a great deal from Molly Lou, like how to love your uniqueness (plus uniqueness in others) and how to handle a bully. Molly Lou is really small (but taller than her dog), has buck teeth, has a voice that sounds like a bullfrog being squeezed by a boa constrictor, and can be clumsy. But her grandmother always told her to stand tall, sing loud and to believe in herself. When she moves to a new town, a bully tries to make her feel bad about herself, but Molly Lou stands tall against the bully.
To bring the lesson closer to home, the students shared ways they feel special. Using the responses the students gave, we made a giant sunflower to display in the hallway. The students are proud of it and were eager to find their petal. I saw some really great ideas on Pinterest and the web for Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon craft ideas. Since I teach kindergarten and writing is a challenge at this time of year, I wrote their responses then had them sign their own names. We are also focusing on building classroom community. Our one giant sunflower is an example of our classroom family. To finish off the display, I made a small color poster of the book cover and added a little write up on the story. Needless to say, I'm really excited about the end result!
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