Sunday, August 16, 2015

"Tis the Day Before School

"Tis the Day Before School

'Tis the day before school starts and all through the town,
busy teachers and students are everywhere to be found
The classrooms are cleaned; each desk arranged with care
with hopes that great learning will soon happen there.

School zones signs flash, lighting up morning traffic
causing groggy commuters a small bit of panic.
“Make sure you slow down,” these signs warn,
“for tomorrow morning, young children will swarm.”

Out and about, sun-tanned students visit store after store
using supply lists to gather pens, paper, pencils and more.
Meanwhile, inside the schools, teachers collaborate, copy and plan
Making sure they are ready foreach young woman and man.

Down in the lobby, new students check in
and counselors, office staff and administrators grin;
good thing they are greeted by such an incredible team
cause high enrollment is bursting each building seam.

Over in the library a group of teachers is meeting 
working hard to make sure that their lessons are keeping
with standards based units, concepts and assessments,
as well as individual student needs and investments.

The past week of in-service workshops
were enough to make any educators’ head drop.
But each moment closer to meeting our classes
makes even the most boring PD session seem painless.

The afternoon wanes and I look around my desk
which is slowly gathering its school-year mess,
“Summer freedom feels fleeting,” I sigh,
as I look at the forms and papers stacking high.

As I get overwhelmed, thoughts of students interrupt my musings
and I pause to think of the rosters created by a computer’s choosing.
each of these children will soon be in my care
and I grow excited about all the adventures we will share.

All summer long, I’ve been reading and thinking
about all the ways I can be more engaging.
Professional literature and educational tweets
are all fodder for ideas and plans I can now complete.

So bring on the students, the learning and fun,
even though it is hard to get up before the sun.
For each of my teacher friends far and near

know that the 2015/2016 school year is here!
-Author Unknown

Monday, August 3, 2015

To Do Chart

In Kindergarten,  it is difficult for these young learners to remember all of the directions given for a task. I saw something similar to this on Pinterest and decided to give it a try. I created my own using PowerPoint, printed on cardstock, laminated, then mounted on my whiteboard with magnetic strips (or you could use velco) Wow! What a great tool to help young learners follow through on what to do. I've used it for several years now and can't imagine what I did without it. Hmm, probably repeated myself a lot! Build it into your routine the very 1st day by verbally walking the students through it and marking what you want them to do, Before you know it, all you have to do is mark it without saying a word and watch them do it all on their own! Talk about building independence!

Wall Quilt - Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

I have been using this quilt now for 3 years! It's made with gallon size ziplock type bags and taped together using decorative duck tape. Each month, I include two works by each student based on the month. At the end of the year, I combine all of the quilt pieces together in a combed binder and give to parents as and end of the year gift from their child.
The quilt below is for the beginning of school. It's a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Quilt.